202 Will of the Furnace_2


It's easy to talk about big principles, but actually experiencing changes step by step, he especially longed to live as himself.

If he turned into his dad, with his dad's ways of doing things, his dad's way of thinking, his dad's taste in aesthetics and food... would he still be him?

Eventually, he started to panic, thinking that showing off could wait for later.

He looked behind him in a slight panic, "An, how much longer do you need to freakin' take?"

An slowly raised his head to look at him, with a pair of terrifying dark golden eyes in his sockets, as if he'd found something. He tilted his head, took a glance, then continued to draw.


The young boss blinked and swallowed, damn, why did An's look make him feel so uneasy!

He even felt...

He wasn't sure if it was just an illusion.

He felt like the will that wanted to turn him into his dad had retreated back into the antlers, as if it had encountered something at the top of the food chain.
