Phantom Coach 302

"Daphne represents the pursuit of the impossible, the everlasting love that can never be obtained..."

"Apollo possessed the grandeur of the sun, and his intense heat was an unbearable pain for the beautiful Daphne, the closer she got, the more she suffered."

"So Apollo chased, Daphne ran, and Daphne could not fly away."

"Unable to escape, Daphne pleaded for help from the River God, and with his aid, she transformed into a laurel tree; her pursuer, Apollo, could only embrace the laurel tree and weep bitterly."

"Therefore, Apollo wove the laurel's leaves into a crown of victory, made a lyre from its branches, and decorated his bow and arrows with its flowers..."

"He swore that his victories would always accompany the laurel tree."

"Thus, the laurel tree also became a symbol of victory in some ancient competition."