337 The Ancient God of the Sewer

The whip-holder forced the Wizard Slaves to go into the sea to collect stone treasures.

The last time Lin An and his companions witnessed a similar scene was at the Cultivation Academy.

Clearly, such circumstances were not confined to the academy; Goblin Castle, or rather the Baide Family, was quietly managing the same affairs.

Chen Shuyun pressed her lips together as she watched, feeling a sense of helplessness; she really wanted to save these people.

Whether it was because they were fellow Wizards--hurt to see their kind suffer--or simply because they were humans being enslaved and mistreated, either reason was enough to stir pity in her heart.

But she knew she couldn't save them.

This wasn't just her own action; she was representing the new generation of the Antler Furnace, and unless she wanted to start a war between the Antler Furnace and the Baide Family, she couldn't act.

Her small shoulders couldn't bear such a responsibility.