397 The Encyclopedia of Sorcery: The Curse Edition

Do wizards of the "Modern Supernatural World," especially astrologers, delve into astronomy as it's understood within the modern scientific framework?

The answer is—yes.

At least the Elder Sorcerer of the Serpentis Star, a renowned astrologer, had an in-depth understanding, drawing from a myriad of knowledge sources to reconstruct astrology, this ancient art.

He explored not only the modern but also the ancient; not only from the Ximan Continental, but also from the Eastern Empire, and even some extremely primitive methods from the Gravel Continent.

He would explain the connection between individual lives and distant star constellations—ones we could never reach in a lifetime—using the "Big Bang Theory," proclaiming that at the "beginning," every individual was one with these celestial bodies.

"It's like a fertilized egg before it starts to divide and grow into a complete human, where everything is subtly connected."