Chapter 139: Winner of the Witch_3

A Trap Card opened, and the illustration on it was of a red-haired, muscle-bound brute choking a many-headed serpent, his expression fierce and angry as though he were saying, "I'll strangle you, you worthless thing!"

Annie lay on the ground and began to narrate:

"Only when your own basic points are below 1000 can it be activated during the opponent's turn.

"Choose one of your own monsters on the field, all cards on both sides of the field and in the hands are sent to the graveyard! After that, the opponent selects one monster from their deck to special summon in attack mode and battle!"

"The player who still has monsters on the field at the end of the turn wins the duel. In all other cases, it is a draw!"

Louis was taken aback, "Choose one of your own monsters... You don't have anything on your field!"

Annie: "The field you see is not my field, it's 'our' field!"