Chapter 203 "The Highly Acclaimed Demon Hunter


The Cat God from the Bubble World prepared to venture out, aiming to taste more leisure and temporarily giving up salvaging ocean refuse. Or should he wait for the once-every-fifty-years recycling period of The God of Abandonment?

It is said that The God of Abandonment has been working on a garbage cleaning vehicle as big as half a star, but has never managed to complete it. Although it could easily be done with Divine Arts, he claims that doing so would lose the soul of steel.

As a deity somewhat corresponding to the Steel God, The God of Abandonment may not be a God, and when repairing machines, he doesn't possess the high Runes and technological accomplishments like those favored by the followers of the Purgatory God...

After all, everyone knows that the repairs of the Abandoned Church are entirely based on guesswork.