Chapter 13: The Irritable Sister, Online Bone-crushing

Chen Ze gasped in a cold breath, although he knew there was something called Murphy's Law in this world, he didn't expect it to be so eerily accurate.

The skeleton was very calm, at least Chen Ze couldn't read any emotion from its skeletal face, figuring a skeleton wouldn't have much in the way of feelings.

A mysterious flame flickered in the skeleton's eyes, and Chen Ze thought this might be the legendary Soul Fire.

"Bro? What are you looking at?" Chen Xingchen noticed that Chen Ze's mood seemed off, so she also turned her head.

Chen Xingchen was stunned for a moment, as it was quite startling to have a skeleton standing in front of you, even if it was dressed in what seemed to be a rather nice robe.

Chen Xingchen looked disdainful, she turned her head towards Chen Ze with threatening meaning in her eyes.

"Wow, would you look at that, Brother quits his job and dares to invite friends to prank me?" Chen Xingchen certainly didn't believe the skeleton was real.

The skeleton opened its mouth as if wanting to say something, but after hearing Chen Xingchen's words, it closed its mouth again.

"Xingchen, this is no joke…" Chen Ze was trembling a bit.

Even though he knew the guests from other worlds were all quite unusual, he never expected a race of the undead to actually come here.

"Humph, Brother, don't bother making excuses, I'm not a little girl anymore." Chen Xingchen thought Chen Ze was just being stubborn and not willing to admit it, cracking her knuckles with a crisp sound.

"Where is this, humans?" The skeleton spoke, its low and eerie voice echoing in the minds of Chen Ze and Chen Xingchen.

Chen Ze swallowed hard, the other party seemed quite strong, able to make him understand without using Arcane Wisdom.

"Customer, welcome to the Dream Restaurant." Chen Ze stepped forward, shielding Chen Xingchen behind him.

Chen Xingchen looked surprised at the skeleton across from her; she too had just heard that eerie voice.

Filled with something inexplicable, Chen Xingchen felt a touch of fear just by hearing it.

"Bro, tell your friend to cut it out, I'm really getting angry," Chen Xingchen said, still annoyed, as she came back to her senses and twisted Chen Ze.

"Ouch… This isn't…" Chen Ze winced in pain.

"Oh? Little human girl, you seem to have some misunderstanding about me?" The skeleton looked at Chen Xingchen, its skeletal head bizarrely detached and flew next to Chen Xingchen.

Chen Xingchen truly got scared this time, almost biting her own tongue in terror.

"Skeleton! Brother, this... what exactly is this…" The unknown fear made Chen Xingchen tremble all over.

Chen Ze frowned, sensing that something was wrong, reminiscing a familiar state in Chen Xingchen.

Chen Ze suddenly remembered, when Chen Xingchen was in elementary school, he had watched a horror movie with her at home, a classic from some island country, the truly terrifying kind.

Chen Xingchen got extremely scared in the middle, trembling with fright, and then…

Chen Xingchen pushed Chen Ze away abruptly, wrapped her arms around the skeleton's head, delivered a knee strike, then threw it viciously against the wall, seemingly intending to follow up with a 'Báishān' throw.

"Hey! Xingchen, stop!" Chen Ze was anxious, as the incident that day ended with the TV being smashed by Chen Xingchen.

However, Chen Xingchen was clearly not listening at the moment, jumping up and landing a kick on the skeleton standing by the door.

"What a fiery little girl, allow me to teach you the respect due to a superior." The flame in the skeleton's eyes grew even more intense.

Chen Xingchen, who had just jumped up ready to kick again, was directly fixed in the air.

The Skeleton head floated back and returned to its original position.

"What... what in the world…" Chen Xingchen was surprised as he tried to descend, but to no avail.

"Where is this?" The Skeleton's tone didn't change much, but Chen Ze could feel a hint of anger in it.

"Guest, this is the Dream Restaurant," Chen Ze quickly stepped in to explain.

"Is this how you treat your guests?" The Skeleton pointed at Chen Xingchen.

"I'm sorry, I will offer a free Buffet as an apology." This was after all Chen Xingchen's fault, so Chen Ze didn't excessively defend his sister.

The Skeleton nodded, and Chen Xingchen slowly landed on the ground, which relieved Chen Ze quite a bit.

Chen Xingchen, looking fearful, wanted to say something, but Chen Ze covered her mouth and took her into the kitchen.

"Sister, as you saw, some… unusual creatures come into my restaurant, so don't get too excited," Chen Ze patted Chen Xingchen's back, comforting his sister who was still trembling.

"Brother, this is…" Chen Xingchen was still questioning her life choices, as this incident had delivered a massive shock to her worldview.

"I'll tell you about it while I cook," Chen Ze said as he opened the freezer and took out some ingredients.

It didn't take long to prepare a Buffet, and with Chen Ze standing there, who had a bit of experience by now, soon he had made a Buffet without any special enhancements.

"So… you're making dishes for them now?" Chen Xingchen finally got it, as Chen Ze had explained in great detail.

Chen Ze nodded, he had almost told her everything, except for the fact that he apparently had a System.

Chen Ze looked at the Buffet he had made; there were no significant changes, it was the same as the ones he had made before.

However, this time, Chen Ze wasn't so lucky; there were no random added attributes.

Chen Xingchen looked at Chen Ze with an extremely bizarre expression as she tentatively asked, "Big brother, are you sure what you made is edible? You won't get beaten up when you bring it out, will you?"

"What kind of question is that, do you really have that little faith in me?" Chen Ze was a bit annoyed.

"I still remember the last dish you made. That time you came home, said you were going to boil noodles, and then they turned out black," Chen Xingchen reminded him.

"Dad wouldn't let you eat it, and gave it to the dog instead, and the dog ended up with a stomachache for three days." Thinking of that bowl of noodles, Chen Xingchen almost felt like throwing up.

Chen Ze scratched his head awkwardly; if it hadn't been for dad disposing of the noodles, Chen Ze himself might have ended up in the hospital with food poisoning.

"Wait a bit, and I'll make one for you, so you'll appreciate the saying 'absence makes the heart grow fonder,'" Chen Ze said with a straight face, trying to reclaim a bit of dignity as a brother.

Chen Xingchen looked skeptical, as if the words 'you must be plotting to harm your poor sister' were written on her face.

"Oh, my foolish brother, even if you learned how to cook, can a skeleton even eat?" Chen Xingchen, seeing Chen Ze ready to serve the Buffet, kindly asked.

Chen Ze suddenly froze; right, today's guest wasn't an Elf or a Dragon, it was a freaking Skeleton!

How could a skeleton eat? Would it open its mouth to eat, and then the food just falls on the table? Or would it stick to its spine?

Chen Ze instantly felt confused.