Chapter 32 The Clerk is a Succubus

If you suddenly found a question on Quora asking, "What's it like to have a succubus as a waitress?"

Chen Ze would feel he's the most qualified to answer this question. No one else on Earth could possibly have more authority than him.

After hiring Succubus Betty as a waitress, Chen Ze faced various inconveniences.

"Manager, what should I do if there is no water to wash the dishes?" Watching Betty, with a confused expression, trying to use the water from a dirty bucket to wash the dishes made the corner of Chen Ze's mouth twitch.

"This is a faucet. When you twist it like this, clean water will come out. Do not use water from any other place to wash," Chen Ze had to give Betty specific instructions else she might cause more troubles.

"Understood, master... I mean, Manager." Barely stopping herself from saying those two words, Betty corrected herself under Chen Ze's stern gaze.