Chapter 44 Maybe Mushroom Sauce is a Better Choice?

Chen Ze scratched his head, it had to be said, Baidu was quite reliable when it came to searching for recipes.

At least Chen Ze wouldn't use Baidu to diagnose his own illnesses—he just had a headache and a cold, but if he did search on Baidu, he might start thinking about writing his will within minutes.

"But I always feel like this flavor is lacking something..." Chen Ze dipped his chopsticks for a taste. It was just that very ordinary spicy sauce, even a bit distasteful, the kind you wouldn't want to try again after one bite.

Chen Ze touched the stone slab, and his nose protection "Magic" instantly covered him. Only then did he feel safe enough to smell it.

"The spiciness is too overpowering... it's suppressing all the other flavors." Chen Ze shook his head, personally thinking this sauce was a failed creation.

However, Chen Ze felt he should still slice a bit of the tentacle to grill it first, as practice is the only criterion for testing truth after all.