Chapter 102: Solutions to Problems May Be Delayed, But They Will Not Be Absent

Chen Ze did not believe in gods, or rather, he never thought that such beings existed in this world.

Thus, Chen Ze was a staunch materialist, but now, in the restaurant's kitchen, he was silently praying.

"If there really are divine spirits, please make sure this one comes out okay..." Chen Ze muttered to himself a few times.

Then, he finally opened the oven and took out the light cheesecake.

[You made a plain light cheesecake, dessert making experience increased by 5 points]

[You made a plain light cheesecake...]

A series of screen prompts followed, but not a single one triggered the special effects for dessert enthusiasts.

Chen Ze sighed. He had been wondering, if Yuna's belongings carried misfortune, an intangible thing, then how could he solve it?

The first thing Chen Ze thought of was his desserts, out of all the dishes he could make, only the Dessert Lover's could randomly bestow special properties to food.