Chapter 31: Is This Wine? It Seems Like You're Trying to Mess with Me

"You can tell, you're a good chef," Foster praised Chen Ze's cooking with a smile.

"A good chef is a bit of a stretch, but an ordinary cook, I can handle that," Chen Ze said with a grin, sitting on the side.

He found these two guests very interesting, especially the man from another world, a Huaxia person who bore a striking resemblance to a certain celebrity, but this Li Huaqiang was a detective.

And not just any detective, but a very capable one who could tell just from Chen Ze's body language that he had had a busy day and even deduced that he was selling kebabs, a skill Chen Ze himself did not possess.

After all, he had taken a bath, and he had no idea how the detective had figured it out.

"Oh~ A magical chef from Huaxia, your dish is really delicious!" Lao Jack kept eating the Mapo Tofu.

Although the Mapo Tofu was very spicy, which Lao Jack, who favored sweet and sour flavors, didn't like much, the taste was simply too good; Lao Jack wished he could swallow his tongue too.