Chapter 2 The Third Generation: There Must Be Something Fishy

Chen Ze of course didn't know what kind of consequence his well-intending suggestion had brought to the snake priests; in fact, even if he knew, Chen Ze wouldn't care too much.

After all, being an idol was far better than being a hostess, at least if it were up to Chen Ze to decide, he would choose to be an idol.

Chen Ze yawned, quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face, then went downstairs to open the door, planning to continue experimenting with his alcohol today.

"Uncle! I want today's special set meal!" Chen Ze's mouth twitched as he peeked outside.

The yellow-haired Naruto was sitting casually on the chair, swinging some money around in his hand, which looked to be about 200 ryō.

"Yo, Naruto, feel like having dumplings today?" Chen Ze greeted Naruto with a smile.

"Hehe, is today's set meal dumplings?" Naruto wiped his drooling mouth.