Chapter 56: Supernatural Event?

Yang Yingqing didn't dare look back. This incident, which clearly resembled an urban supernatural event, made his legs tremble involuntarily. Nothing was more terrifying than strange occurrences happening right beside him.

After a while, the hand that rested on his shoulder vanished, and Yang Yingqing finally breathed a sigh of relief. His hands trembling, he reached out to shut down the Trojan program.

However, the computer screen was black. Yang Yingqing hesitated, wondering if he had accidentally kicked the power cord and caused the computer to shut down.

Yang Yingqing looked down at the computer case. The lights were still on, indicating that the computer was still running.

So why was the screen black? Yang Yingqing felt puzzled and then shook the mouse.

Then he saw an eye suddenly open on the pitch-black screen, staring intently at him.

"Ah!!" Yang Yingqing screamed in terror. In the next second, the eye disappeared, as if it had never been there.