Chapter 184: The One Who Toppled the Idol_3

Free throws remained a matter of uncontrollability for Duncan.

2+1 became 2+0.

Mason grabbed the rebound, and the other Spurs as if anticipating this move, retreated early in defense, not allowing the Bucks a chance for a fast break.

The inside lane, the inside lane, the Spurs' inside lane was the lifeline; they believed in it, obsessed over it, it was their main path.

But that main path led to hell.

Yu Fei dribbled into the frontcourt, ready to take his own lesser-known path.

Set a screen, break, the second pick-and-roll, the perimeter opens up, the third pick-and-roll... Eventually, the intricately woven defensive system came undone with the successive pick-and-roll offenses.

Yu Fei, like an assassin, drove deep into the paint with the ball, Duncan spread his arms, ready to block the way.

Unexpectedly, Yu Fei pulled off a magician's classic juggling act; right hand gripping the ball, a feint left, a feint right, then slung the ball towards the corner—Michael Redd's spot.