Chapter 10: A Vast Expanse of Flatland

"Tsk, tsk, who would've thought my wife's secretary would be such a looker? Looks like we've got a case of 'like attracts like, and people sort themselves into groups'."

Su Yan glanced at Xiao Yifeng's frivolous eyes with a flicker of disdain in her own, saying, "I really don't know how the president ended up with a fiancé like you."

"What's wrong with being like me? Let me tell you, I'm the kind of great guy who can grace both the hall and the kitchen."

Xiao Yifeng rambled on.

Su Yan's face turned cold instantly, and she huffed, "Stop talking nonsense, and follow me."

She then walked out in her high heels, with Xiao Yifeng following behind, hands in his pockets.

Su Yan's ride was a blue Chevrolet. Xiao Yifeng got in directly, greeted by a faint, pleasant fragrance.

"This scent is really nice!" Xiao Yifeng said with a wicked smile on his face.

Su Yan's eyes suddenly hardened, a cold glint fleeting in the corners of her eyes. She started the car and headed straight for Tianhai's biggest shopping plaza.

New Century Mall was a well-known shopping center in all of Tianhai City. With over thousands of stores gathered there, it was a place with a comprehensive range of goods.

After parking in the underground parking lot, Su Yan led Xiao Yifeng into the mall, where the place was buzzing with people. The shopping center was thirty stories high and ring-shaped, allowing anyone standing in the middle to see right up to the top.

Su Yan took Xiao Yifeng directly to a men's clothing brand store on the tenth floor.

"Miss, sir, what can I help you with?"

As soon as they entered the brand store, a female sales associate approached them, bowing slightly.

"Outfit him in a complete set of clothes, from the inside out," Su Yan crisply instructed, pointing at Xiao Yifeng.

The sales associate's gaze shifted to Xiao Yifeng, taking in his sharp attire with a moment's surprise. It was indeed hard to imagine such a man accompanying a woman like her—beautiful in appearance, sexy in figure, full of grace.

"Right away." Still, the sales associate quickly recovered, nodding and then saying to Xiao Yifeng, "Please come this way, sir."

Xiao Yifeng walked in with a casual look, while Su Yan stood quietly to the side, exuding a cool and distant air.

The store had many other male customers, who were all casting admiring glances at Su Yan. Those who were with female companions glanced over at Su Yan, stirring anger and dissatisfaction from their partners.

Before long, Xiao Yifeng emerged from the changing room. The sight made Su Yan's expression show a trace of astonishment.

Now, Xiao Yifeng was dressed in a white shirt with a black suit over it and black cropped trousers underneath. The attire had dramatically transformed his appearance.

Xiao Yifeng was naturally tall at 1.8 meters, with a well-built and upright physique—the perfect model for clothes. Now dressed in these designer clothes that fitted him perfectly, Xiao Yifeng's demeanor underwent a radical change.

With his sharply chiseled, rugged face, deep and bright eyes, and a devilish smile on his lips, he resembled an elegant nobleman, exuding a special kind of charm.

For a moment, Su Yan was so taken aback she couldn't react, and even the sales associate was staring at Xiao Yifeng with a look of surprise and infatuation.

As for Xiao Yifeng himself, as he looked at his reflection in the full-length mirror, he couldn't help but exclaim with a sigh, "It's simply unfair how handsome I naturally am, and now with this outfit, I'm devastatingly dashing. How are other men supposed to compete?"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's nauseatingly narcissistic remarks, Su Yan snapped back to reality, coldly stating, "I've never seen anyone as shamelessly arrogant as you."

"Really, pretty secretary? I can be even more shameless; want to see?" Xiao Yifeng said teasingly, gazing at Su Yan.

Su Yan directly ignored Xiao Yifeng's gaze and told the saleswoman, "Get him one of every type of clothing in his size."

Soon after, Xiao Yifeng found himself holding three or four bags, and when it was time to pay, he couldn't help but be astounded that this pile of clothes was worth over a hundred thousand, thinking to himself how unimaginable the life of the rich was.


Just as Xiao Yifeng was about to walk out of the store, bags in hand, suddenly a figure collided with him; Xiao Yifeng was fine, but the person was knocked back onto the ground, emitting a cry of pain.

Glancing over, Xiao Yifeng saw the figure was a girl, and she looked to be around seventeen or eighteen, dressed in a red top and denim shorts.

Her face was somewhat tender, displaying a rebellious and arrogant expression.

This was clearly a teenage girl in the throes of adolescence, but she was quite beautiful.

There was another young woman by the girl's side, who was also very attractive, and she quickly helped the girl up, asking, "Qianqian, are you alright?"

"Mister, do you realize how much you hurt me when you bumped into me?"

The rebellious girl stood up and said this to Xiao Yifeng with anger in her eyes.

"Hey, let me correct you first, I'm no mister. You can call me handsome, big bro, dear brother, or darling, but please don't call me mister," Xiao Yifeng complained, clearly dissatisfied.

"Pfft!" Both the girl and the woman beside her couldn't help but laugh.

"And another thing," Xiao Yifeng said, fixing his gaze on the girl, "you're too skinny, you really need to put on some weight!"

In an instant, the girl's face darkened, her eyes flashing with intense anger as she glared at Xiao Yifeng, her teeth clenching with an audible grind.

"You rotten jerk, how dare you say that to me!"

The girl shouted angrily and her long-booted leg kicked viciously at Xiao Yifeng.

"Damn, that's harsh!"

Seeing the attack coming, Xiao Yifeng's face changed as he quickly clamped his legs together, trapping her kick and muttering, "Hey, little sister, there's no need to be that harsh."

"Hmph, it's because of what you said," the girl retorted, still looking furious at Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes lingered on the girl's body, saying, "What I said is the honest truth; you really are quite thin."

"You rotten jerk, there you go again!" The girl, still angry, threw a punch towards Xiao Yifeng's head, looking as though she had a bit of fight in her.