Chapter 65: Fake

"Don't worry, wife, you are mine, Xiao Yifeng's woman, for life, and that's something you can't change. Rest assured, I will make you fall in love with me one day, and I am very confident about that," Xiao Yifeng hummed confidently.

Ye Yaxin smiled softly, walked to the front of the Audi, where her driver and bodyguard Wang Jun opened the car door for her. She glanced at Xiao Yifeng, got into the car, and then drove away from there.

Xiao Yifeng also left the Century Hotel with a smile, driving his own car.

In a presidential suite at the Century Hotel, Mo Sihai, the Mo Shuqian sisters, and Mo Shaocong were all gathered together.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, the mysteriously vanished green stone disc that had earlier appeared in the lobby was now lying there.

"Father, that was quite the clever move. You've quickly found out who has the next green stone disc," said Mo Shumei, leaning on the sofa with a seductive smile on her lips.