Chapter 1 The Arrogant Flight Attendant

Tap tap tap!

When the crisp sound of high heels echoed in the courtyard, Lin Feng knew his good days were coming to an end.

"Oh no! That's Sister Qingqing's footsteps..."

As expected, Lin Feng had just pretentiously taken out his English textbook when the next second he heard the sweet voice of the girl next door, Luo Qingqing, calling from the courtyard, "Little Feng... Sister rushed back right after getting off the plane! Hmph! I'm here to see if you, you little rascal, have been slacking off these past two days and how well you've memorized your English vocab!"

"Err... Sister Qingqing, I've been busy reviewing other subjects these last few days, so my English..."

With English textbook in hand, Lin Feng walked reluctantly to the door, looking at Luo Qingqing, the neighbor sister standing in the courtyard, dressed as a flight attendant, pulling a boarding case, with an elegant figure and long legs.

"Cut the crap! Come inside with sister... I gave you two days for those hundred words, if you get more than ten wrong, watch out or I'll spank you!"

Luo Qingqing's beautiful eyes glared at Lin Feng, immediately interrupting his excuse, then she pulled her boarding case, acting decisively, and walked toward her own house.

"Ah? Sister Qingqing, I really have no talent for English at all..."

Watching Luo Qingqing's beautiful figure in the Southeast Airlines flight attendant uniform, Lin Feng nevertheless had a bitter expression, reluctantly holding his English textbook, following Luo Qingqing inside.

Logically speaking, having such a beautiful neighbor sister who's good-looking, has a great figure, and is a flight attendant, many people would be envious. Lin Feng should feel lucky. But the reality is quite the opposite. Ever since Luo Qingqing, his childhood friend, had become a flight attendant, she would relentlessly force Lin Feng to study whenever she had a break from her shifts, especially that English which seemed like an alien language to him.

"Give me the English textbook, sit there... Write out those hundred words... for every mistake, I'll give you a smack on the butt!"

No sooner had Lin Feng entered the flight attendant Luo Qingqing's boudoir, inhaling the very pleasant scent of perfume and before he had time to properly savor it, he was immediately pulled back to reality by Luo Qingqing's imperious words.

"People say that girls who are flight attendants are gentle, graceful, and polite. Sister Qingqing, how come I don't see any of that in you?"

Sitting on Luo Qingqing's bed with a thud, Lin Feng leaned over the desk, holding a pen and paper, mumbling as he spoke.

"You rascal, what did you just say? How am I not gentle, graceful, and polite?"

Hearing Lin Feng's muttering, Luo Qingqing immediately gave him a hard knock on the head, scolding, "Start writing! Hmph... If you can't write them, don't blame me for spanking you! The first word is 'detailed'..."

"You see... A gentleman talks instead of striking. Sister Qingqing, with your bossy ways... I really don't understand how so many rich and handsome guys chase after you, giving you flowers and gifts all the time."

Feeling indignant, Lin Feng held his pen and, while complaining, began pitifully scrawling English vocabulary words on the paper.

"My gentleness and elegance aren't for your eyes! Stop interrupting and get on with writing those words! The next one is..."

Seeing Lin Feng's oppressed and helpless expression, flight attendant Luo Qingqing's face revealed a very smug smile.

"Ah… I really can't write anymore… How do you write 'symbolic'? And I have absolutely no memory of 'affluent'… Why are English words so hard to remember… It's over! I'm afraid there are forty or fifty I can't write today…"

Lin Feng had a worried and bitter look as he gazed at the sparse few English words on the paper, knowing his behind was likely in for it again. He glanced up at the clock on the wall of Luo Qingqing's room and saw it was about to strike six o'clock. He quickly stood up and called out, "Sister Qingqing, it's six o'clock… I have an urgent matter and need to go home…"

"You little rascal! You want to slip away before you've finished writing the words?"

The moment Luo Qingqing saw Lin Feng attempting to escape, she was not the least bit polite, grabbing his back and, with a fluent motion, she skillfully pressed him down onto the bed.

"Hmph… I've reported over fifty words, and you little punk have only written little over thirty, half of which are wrong… It seems in these past few days when your sister wasn't here, you've started to slack off not memorizing them, huh! Isn't this asking for a beating..."

Flight attendant Luo Qingqing, who had long seen through Lin Feng, didn't show a trace of a stewardess's poise or manners at this moment! She pressed Lin Feng down onto her bed, and her delicate hands spared no mercy, smacking his behind repeatedly.

"Ow! Sister Qingqing, you're really hitting me… I'm eighteen this year, I'm a man now, can you please not treat me like a little kid anymore?"

At this moment, Lin Feng was frustrated! Although being pressed down by Luo Qingqing and spanked didn't hurt much, and was nothing like his mother's feather duster, it was still a matter of a man's dignity! How could Lin Feng, who was already eighteen, tolerate being pressed down on a bed and spanked by a woman?

"No matter how old you are, in your sister's eyes you are forever a little kid! Telling you to study properly, Uncle Lin and Auntie Zhang work so hard just to provide for your education… and you still don't appreciate it! Don't you think you deserve a beating?"

When Luo Qingqing thought about her own outstanding junior high grades, and how she had to give up high school to train as a flight attendant due to her family's financial circumstances, then looked at the good-for-nothing Lin Feng, who had such great opportunities and environment for learning but still didn't appreciate them or study hard, she felt a bellyful of anger and fire. Her hands were relentless as she spanked Lin Feng's behind, her delicate hands getting red and sore from the smacking.

"No… it's not that I don't study, it's just that… I really can't absorb it! Sister Qingqing, I'm already this big, please don't spank me anymore..."

After being firmly spanked a few times by Luo Qingqing, Lin Feng lost his temper, suddenly turned around, and in turn, pinned Luo Qingqing onto the bed. Instinctively, he slapped her behind, "If that's how it is, I'll let you taste what it's like to be spanked…"

But when that very loud and crisp "slap" echoed in the room, time seemed to freeze.

Flight attendant Luo Qingqing could never have imagined that the little neighbor boy, Lin Feng, whom she always bullied and cared for, would rebel against her oppression today, pin her down on the bed, and even… spank her.

Lin Feng himself was also dumbfounded, staring blankly at his hand and at Luo Qingqing, who was lying on the bed with her face flushed red with shame. His mind went blank and, facing this situation, Lin Feng simply didn't know what to do next.