Chapter 3 Eating the Book to Memorize It


"Sister... Sister Qingqing..."

As expected, what was bound to come couldn't be avoided. Lin Feng had just daringly slapped the bottom of the flight attendant next door, Luo Qingqing, and now she had indeed come knocking, kicking open the door to Lin Feng's bedroom.

"You little brat, you still know to call me your Sister Qingqing? Tell me... you were writing words just fine... why did you run off?"

The embarrassed and angry Luo Qingqing, still a maiden untouched, naturally wouldn't bluntly admit the humiliating incident of being smacked on the bottom by Lin Feng, which is why she took such a roundabout way to question him.

"Ah? I... Sister Qingqing, didn't I just accidentally... slap your butt..."

Lin Feng was a bit bewildered, wondering if Sister Qingqing had lost her memory and forgotten that he had hit her bottom. But he had only spoken half of his thoughts when Luo Qingqing, her face flushed with anger, decisively interrupted him.

"Hit your head! Little brat... you didn't do anything just now, you simply ran away halfway through writing those words! Hmph! Your sister went through so much trouble to supervise your English studies, and you still don't appreciate it."

Luo Qingqing felt a bit frustrated now. Indeed, she had wanted to confront Lin Feng about slapping her bottom earlier, but when she arrived in his bedroom, how could she bring herself to say such things? Moreover... Luo Qingqing hadn't thought much of it until Lin Feng's recent words made her re-evaluate him, and she realized that the snotty little boy who used to follow her around had truly grown into a man.

Being spanked by a little rascal and being spanked by an eighteen-year-old young man brimming with vitality were two entirely different concepts!

Unable to use the incident of being spanked as a reason to lecture Lin Feng, Luo Qingqing, seething inside, saw the English book on the desk and decided to continue pestering Lin Feng with English words instead. Picking up the textbook and flipping to the vocabulary section, she stood with one hand on her hip, proudly declared to Lin Feng: "You haven't finished reciting the words yet! Get your pen and paper out, Lin Feng. This time, let's see where you can run! Just like before, for every mistake, I'll... I was going to say I'll slap your butt! No! This time I'll pinch your face, one pinch for every wrong word! Watch me turn you into a pighead!"

"Ah? Again? Sister Qingqing... please spare me... I really didn't..."

Lin Feng was just about to beg flight attendant Luo Qingqing for mercy when suddenly, a flurry of water droplets surged into his mind. These droplets, which had just emerged from The Twenty-Four Calming Sea Pearls and dripped onto the desk soaking the English textbook, had been drawn back in by Lin Feng using his water-controlling Dao.

"These droplets? Why do they seem... to have words on them..."

The sudden appearance of these droplets in his mind left Lin Feng a bit confused, but upon closely focusing, he saw that the droplets were covered with dense characters, which were not only in Chinese but also English letters.

"This... isn't this the English book I just had on the desk? Could it be... that the droplets soaked the entire book, effectively copying it? And then I absorbed the droplets back in..."

With a whoosh, as Lin Feng focused his mind, all the Chinese and English words from the droplets transformed into streams of information, merging into his memory. The English vocabulary and grammar that he could never remember were now firmly imprinted in his mind.

"Grammar, vocabulary... they're all memorized. Even the... table of contents, footnotes... not a single part missed? The entire book, huh! This is akin to... Doraemon's memory bread!"

Lin Feng joyfully discovered that he had memorized the entire English textbook. In the anime "Doraemon," to remember the contents of a book with memory bread, one needed to copy the text onto the bread and then eat it; whereas now, the water droplets from the Calming Sea Pearl had only to soak the book and be reabsorbed into his body for everything to be memorized flawlessly.

"Hmph! Let you off? You little rascal... you never study seriously and always slack off... I'm definitely not letting you off this time. Come here, if you don't feel like writing, then just let your sister pinch your face a hundred times!"

Luo Qingqing puffed up her rosy lips and rubbed her delicate fingers together, ready to take her frustration out on Lin Feng.

However, at that moment, Lin Feng smirked triumphantly, holding his hand up and saying, "Sister Qingqing... wait a second! Dictation it is, but it's just a hundred words. Actually! I did review with due diligence these past days, ensuring I won't make a single mistake."

"Not a single mistake? Hmph! Bragging now, aren't we? When have you ever made less than ten mistakes? Hmph... and you dare to talk big like that? Your sister doesn't believe a word."

Luo Qingqing was taken aback, never expecting Lin Feng, who always feared reciting and dictating English vocabulary, to boast such a claim, saying he could write out a hundred words spot on.

"What if I really do it, Sister Qingqing?" Lin Feng asked slyly, a mischievous smile on his face.

"If you do it… then... then consider yourself amazing!"

"That won't do! Look... every time we do dictation, if I make just one mistake, you either slap my bottom or pinch my face. And now, if I get them all right without any incentive, wouldn't that be unfair to me?"

Having memorized the whole English textbook in his mind, Lin Feng spoke with confidence and fearlessness.
