Chapter 23: Where Did Lin Feng Go?

Zhu Yi truly lived up to his name as the Liu Family Jie's right-hand man in the schoolyard, devising such a devious scheme against Lin Feng. Liu Jiajie listened and clapped with approval, saying, "Haha... Zhu Yi, let's do exactly that. This afternoon, find an opportunity… forge Lin Feng's handwriting and replace his blessing letter with a disgustingly cheesy love declaration..."

"Alright... Young Master Jie, our homeroom Teacher Xu's pair of black silk legs is a deadly weapon... What if I write something like this... 'Teacher Xu, ever since the first time I saw you... especially those black silk legs of yours, they have haunted my dreams, impossible to forget'... Let everyone think Lin Feng is a pervert, infatuated with Teacher Xu's black stockings... When the campus belle personally reads out these words from Lin Feng, she will definitely have the worst possible impression of him..." Zhu Yi said with a sinister smile.