Chapter 47 Teacher Xu's Laughter

"Oh? What is this... Is this a birthday card?"

Class teacher Xu Minjing took the card from Qin Yanran's hands, recognized it at a glance as the kind of birthday card that the students had written for her today, and said in surprise, "Could it be one that you missed reading today?"

Xu Minjing thought it was a missed greeting, which was why Qin Yanran had brought it to her during the break. She did not sense anything amiss, and after taking the card, she naturally wanted to open it to read the contents.

However, as soon as Qin Yanran saw Xu Minjing about to open the card, she immediately cried out nervously:

"Teacher Xu, you... please wait before you read it... Prepare yourself first... the content inside might... might make you angry, or perhaps... hard to accept..."

"Hehe! Yanran, no matter what the students have written on the blessing card, what could possibly make the teacher angry?"