Chapter 54: The Healing Divine Water

One should not blame their parents for poverty or the government for a hard life.

Lin Feng was born into an ordinary working-class family. His parents' income was not high, and they always lived a tight life. However, Lin Feng never felt it was the fault of the country or society. On the contrary, he always believed that our Chinese nation was the greatest in the world. With a history of five thousand years, how many virtues and moral principles could be found within Huaxia?

Yet, in recent years, for some unknown reason, more and more negative incidents had been exposed. Events of deceit and fraud were being revealed, such as elderly people falling down and then extorting those who tried to help. Lin Feng believed these were isolated incidents, but they had cast a chill over the entire society, to the extent that when an elderly person fell on the road, passers-by, although willing to help, were afraid of being scammed and thus hesitated to step forward.