Chapter 51: What Happened to the Kidnapping?

"Teacher Xu... wait... wait a moment... ahead... there's danger ahead..."

Lin Feng, who had been chasing her from the school gate, finally caught up with Xu Minjing at the entrance of Fuluxiang.

"Lin Feng? Why are you also going this way? What danger could there be ahead?"

Xu Minjing looked at the approaching Lin Feng with some confusion, then remembered the warning he had given her in the office that afternoon, smiled slightly, and pointing towards Fuluxiang, said, "Lin Feng, you can't possibly be suggesting... that there's someone waiting to kidnap me, can you?"

"Yes, Teacher Xu... I'm really not joking with you. It was me... I heard it with my own ears. And as soon as you went downstairs, Vice Principal Lai Jianguo immediately called Tang Wen Ju to tip him off, telling them to wait here to 'move houses', Teacher Xu..."

Seeing that Xu Minjing wasn't taking him seriously, Lin Feng became anxious and spoke very earnestly, trying to prove he was telling the truth.