Chapter 61: The Difficulty of Being Parents (3rd Update)

"Oh no, disaster strikes... Dad, why did you have to drink again today? Mom's back... now you're in for it..."

Lin Feng saw his father reeking of alcohol and knew there was no way to escape his mother's discerning eyes; he gave up on trying to hide any evidence for his alcoholic father, shook his head and sighed.

"What's there to fear? Little Feng, come on... have a drink with Dad. Usually, there's no chance to drink when I'm driving, and now that I finally have a shift break tomorrow, what's wrong with having a little alcohol?"

Father Lin was already quite drunk and his speech was somewhat slurred.

However, despite his carefree talk, as soon as Lin's Mother walked in with her shopping basket, he involuntarily shuddered and instinctively tried to hide his cup of alcohol.

"Old Lin! Why does it smell so strongly of alcohol? Have you been drinking again?"