Chapter 71 Lin Feng is Completely Furious! (First Update)

"Lin Feng, you... you must explain to Mr. Shi that it wasn't your fault..."

The blush on her face hadn't faded yet, and Qin Yanran was again expressing her concern for Lin Feng.

"Relax, Yanran, black can't turn white, and white can't turn black either. I don't believe that dung beetle would really dare to expel me?" Lin Feng said, feeling a wave of warmth from Qin Yanran's concerned gaze. He nodded and then left the classroom to head to the guidance office.

As soon as Lin Feng left, the whole classroom erupted into chaos. Especially because of the sweet words of concern Qin Yanran had just spoken to Lin Feng, combined with the intimate image of their recent tumble and kiss, it made all the boys in the class crazy with jealousy.

"It's over! Over... Ah, my goddess, she really seems to have fallen for Lin Feng this time..."

"Lucky dog! It's definitely just a fluke... Qin Yanran is the school beauty in my heart; there's no way she could like Lin Feng..."