Chapter 87: Desperate Teacher Xu


Suddenly, Xu Minjing's mouth was covered and she was dragged into a car before she had a chance to cry for help. She could only struggle weakly, but no matter how hard she struggled, how could she possibly be a match for two burly men in black?

The two men in black dragged Xu Minjing into a van and quickly shut the door. The driver stepped on the gas, and the vehicle zoomed away.

"Help... Help me..."

After being dragged into the car, the men in black let go of her, and Xu Minjing, still in shock, started to scream, but there was no one in the car who could save her. Looking at the two men in black in terror, she shrank back into a corner of the van, "Who... Who are you? Why... Why are you kidnapping me?"

"You don't need to know who we are... Just stay put, otherwise... be careful we might scratch your pretty little face..."