Chapter 89: The Kidnapping of the Jade Maiden Superstar (3rd Update)

Zhi'an City, at the city center's Hongxing Grand Hotel, which is the Tiangou Gang's largest property in Zhi'an City. On the surface, it's a high-class Five-Star hotel. But in reality, it's filled with dirt and filth, arguably the biggest den of iniquity in Zhi'an City. Especially the top leaders of the Tiangou Gang, who have turned this Hongxing Grand Hotel into their playground, with security personnel guarding every entrance, allowing them to do as they please without anyone knowing.

And some of the wealthy social elite who are on good terms with the Tiangou Gang also frequently come here for enjoyment, or to arrange some of their illegal dealings. With the Tiangou Gang acting as their security, it's naturally as safe as it gets.

Therefore, at this moment, Vice-Mayor's son Tang Wenju had already reserved the top-tier presidential suite at the Hongxing Grand Hotel and was waiting for his bodyguard to bring Xu Minjing over.