Chapter 100: The Amazing Junior (1 more)

"Fuck... Ah Bao, you ever pull that shit with me again, I'll chop you up and feed you to the dogs!"

Outside room 602 at the Hongxing Grand Hotel, the battered and bruised delinquent Ah Hu furiously kicked the limping and sobbing Ah Bao beside him, threateningly saying.

"Brother Hu, I won't dare again... Please, just spare me this once..." Ah Bao pleaded by his side.

"It's all your fucking fault, not even knowing where the room key went, now we have to go get a spare from the front desk... What if someone else found the key and came in, finding Su Zixuan on the sofa, what then?"

Ah Hu cursed loudly, took out the spare key he had just asked for from reception, and was fumbling with the lock.

"Brother Hu... didn't you say this is the Tiangou Gang's turf? Even if someone knew, they wouldn't dare cause trouble..." Ah Bao mumbled with his head down, feeling wronged.

"First, let's see if that chick is still there... I'll fucking deal with you later..."