Chapter 106: Jump Down, I'll Catch You!

Outside the Hongxing Grand Hotel, dozens of police cars rapidly surrounded the building. The armed police descended from the vehicles and erected a cordon, effectively sealing off the entire hotel.

Meanwhile, within the luxury Room 607 of the Tian character series, Xu Minjing, who had escaped danger, suddenly asked Lin Feng to also help her evade the police and even… to take her straight home.

In fact, Xu Minjing's request was understandable. After all, she was a clean and innocent woman, and the incident of being kidnapped by the scoundrel Tang Wenju, who had designs on her at the hotel, would surely spread if it became a matter of police record. Even though Tang Wenju didn't do any substantial harm to her, Xu Minjing's unblemished reputation at Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School would likely be ruined.