Chapter 124: I Knew There Was a Man Hidden (7th Update)

The Xu family mother and daughter were chatting in the living room when Lin Feng opened the door to the closet on the left, hesitating about whether or not to hide inside.

When he heard Mother Xu say she was going to the bedroom to sleep and rest, he had no choice but to quickly dive in, hiding in the closet that was filled with the scent of his daughter. Then he quickly shut the door gently, leaving just a tiny crack, squinting his eyes, and stealthily peeping outside.

"Mom! Wait a second before you go in..."

In the living room, seeing that her mother was about to enter the bedroom, Xu Minjing, still uneasy, hurried forward to stop her.

"What is it? Minjing, mom's tired... Aren't you going to let your mom sleep in your bed?" Mother Xu said with a smile.

"No! Mom, my room is a bit messy... Let me clean it up first, and when it's done, you can come in..."

Xu Minjing quickly shook her head, making up an excuse.