Chapter 130 Words from the Heart (3rd Update)

The top student and campus beauty, Yanran, actually envies those students who get scolded by their parents for poor grades?

At first glance, this statement seems utterly unbelievable, even making Qin Yanran appear incredibly hypocritical. Just like every class has seen that kind of insincere top student who, when asked how they did on a test, always complains about how terribly they did and doesn't know what to do. However, once the test results are out, these students are the ones with scores near perfection.

But today, the words that Yanran spoke were indeed from the bottom of her heart. They could even be described as the sad remarks hidden beneath her optimistic facade all this time.

So what if she has good grades?

What does being beautiful matter?

What about family background and status? Qin Yanran didn't care about those at all.