Chapter 137: Why is Lin Feng here too? (Fifth Update)

"Exam Room Three, so it seems Lin Feng wasn't intentionally following me, he's... he's really in the same exam room as me?"

Having been followed all the way here, Qin Yanran had brewed a bellyful of words, planning to give Lin Feng a piece of her mind after he really followed her to the exam room entrance.

However, when Lin Feng took the lead in showing his exam ticket with the room number on it, Qin Yanran's words, which were already on the tip of her tongue, had to be swallowed back one by one. Stunned for a moment, it took her a while before she managed to squeeze out a few words, "It's really... such a coincidence!"

"Hehe! Yes! Yanran... I didn't expect that out of more than fifty exam rooms, we could end up in the same one."

Lin Feng was also surprised, but even more delighted. After all, being in the same exam room as Qin Yanran, at least he could look at her and feast his eyes if the exam got boring!