Chapter 145 New Application of Water Control Ability (3rd Update)


"Hey! Here's your ball back... and let me emphasize again, I really can't play basketball! You insisted I take the shot, so I just threw it randomly. Next time you want to play, find those guys who actually know how to play! Don't make it hard for us who can't, I don't want my head smacked again by you..."

With a clap, Lin Feng picked up the basketball again and tossed it back to Xiao Nishang while speaking.

"You... You can make such a shot and still... still say you can't play basketball? Your last shot looked like it wouldn't even hit the backboard, how on earth did it go in?"

Catching the basketball Lin Feng tossed over, Xiao Nishang said with dissatisfaction. In her view, Lin Feng must have thrown the ball deliberately like that, pretending he didn't even know how to pose for a shot, but actually used some special technique to make the shot.