Chapter 156: Hero Defending the One China Policy (4th Update)


Lin Feng won!

And so did First High!

The arrogance and provocation of the Second High basketball team was a great humiliation for all the students at First High.

Everyone wanted to regain their honor and wipe away this shame, but the basketball team from Second High, led by Lu Hao, was just too powerful, and simply out of First High's league.

That's why Lu Hao and his team had come time after time to the First High campus. Being so humiliated and looked down upon on their own turf made every First High student feel stifled, wishing they could immediately drive Lu Hao and his team away.

But now, today, at this moment, Lin Feng defeated Lu Hao thoroughly with ten perfect three-point shots. He fulfilled all First High students' wish to redress their humiliation, instantly becoming the hero who defended the honor and dignity of First High.