Chapter 179: Sweeping the Whole School

Friday morning was bright and sunny. Generally, students love and look forward to Fridays, why is that? The reason is simple, after Friday comes the weekend!

Yet, for the senior year students at First High School, this Friday was not one they wanted to face. The reason was also straightforward, today they still had to take the remaining two subjects of the quality assessment test, science comprehensive and English.

The Chinese and mathematics exams from yesterday had already confirmed that this last quality assessment test was unprecedentedly difficult. Naturally, the remaining two exams would be no exception; they were sure to be extremely challenging.

"Sigh! I'm doomed, it'd be good if I could even pass the two exams yesterday. Today's science comprehensive and English are bound to be even harder, Buddha bless me! I just hope my total score for this quality assessment test reaches four hundred and fifty..."