Chapter 189 Can I sit here? (3rd update)


The high-difficulty comprehensive science exam in the morning truly stumped a vast number of students. Even some top students felt a sense of helpless regret on the spot, as those who usually scored around 280 or 290 out of 300 for a regular difficulty paper were now feeling exhausted. "No love left, no more," they probably thought, fearing they'd only managed around 250 or 260 this time.

As for those students who were just so-so in their studies, they were even more distraught. With a normal comprehensive science paper, they could barely score just over 200, but now, if they could even hit the passing mark of 180, they would be thanking Buddha!

So, whether they were good students or bad, when the bell signaling the end of the comprehensive science exam rang, everyone walked out of the exam hall with a heavy heart, as if they'd just left a graveyard.