Chapter 193: The Wonderful Story (Third Update)

The conflicting emotions were tearing her apart: on one side was the womanly pride and self-esteem, and on the other, the unripe, unspoken sentiment driving her. Qin Yanran's heart was enduring the agony that any woman in love would experience.

Should she turn back and call Lin Feng again, to properly listen to his explanation and apology?

No! Absolutely not! Who made him reject her in front of so many people?

But what if Lin Feng really thought she was angry and ignoring him? What if he truly believed there was no hope and then accepted the confession of another girl?


Lin Feng had simply walked away in acceptance, seeing Qin Yanran's apparent distaste for him. Little did he know, Qin Yanran's words were contrary to her feelings. After pushing Lin Feng away, she felt an emptiness inside, wishing to call him over for a chat, yet she couldn't put her pride aside.