Chapter 214: Gratitude

"You're forbidding me to break up with Lin Feng? Deciding that he's the son-in-law you want? Mom! How... how can you change faces this quickly?"

Hearing her mother's resolute tone, Xu Minjing was completely hopeless. She never expected that her mother, whom she had considered to be so "materialistic," would actually have such "good taste" to firmly choose Lin Feng as her other half.

"Eh? You ungrateful girl! Mom has agreed to you and little Lin being together, and now you're unhappy about it? I even think you're the one who changes faces quickly, am I right?" Mother Xu also noticed Xu Minjing's discomfiture and asked in surprise.

"No, that's not it! Mom, actually... actually Lin Feng and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend, he... he's just someone I hired to trick you, so that you would stop forcing me to find a partner..."