Chapter 219 The Shrewd Lin Feng

In ancient times, there was a saying that even a hero could be stumped by a lack of money, and today, Lin Feng had an authentic taste of that feeling.

"If I had known I had no money in my pocket, I should have asked Teacher Xu to lend me some. Now, what can I do about this?"

Feeling his two pockets, and finding not a single cent, Lin Feng was so embarrassed he could not utter a word and wished he could find a hole to crawl into.

"We're here! Young man, did you fall asleep? That'll be thirty-two yuan..."

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't make a move, the driver uncle thought he had fallen asleep and raised his voice to call out to him again, but how could he know that Lin Feng wasn't asleep and hadn't heard, but that he had no money in his pockets to pay the fare.

"I mean... Nurse Sister, I forgot to bring money with me today, could you... could you pay the taxi fare for me, as if I'm borrowing from you?"