Chapter 224: The Flamboyant Convertible Sports Car

When people feel helpless, they tend to panic and lose their composure, and Mayor Chen Luping, despite being a powerful woman, was no exception. She struggled against her restraints and shouted loudly, hoping someone would come to her rescue.

Clang clang...

Sure enough, soon there were noises from outside the door, and Chen Luping's heart leapt with joy, thinking someone had heard her cries for help.

However, when the storeroom door opened, what appeared were several figures clad in black and wearing black hoods over their heads.

"Cackle! Mayor Chen is awake, huh! Haha... we've been waiting for you to wake up for so long!"

The leader of the black-clad group was Fan Huaiyu, his face obscured. Looking down at Mayor Chen Luping, who lay tied up on the floor, he experienced an indescribable thrill. The dignified and authoritative mayor who usually stood above others was now so unexpectedly helpless before him.