Chapter 235 Mayor Chen's Emergency Call


The clock was about to strike twelve, and the police station in Zhi'an was still brightly lit; Mayor Chen Luping had been missing for over ten hours.

The situation was far from optimistic. The longer the time since the disappearance, the greater the risk of harm and the more likely it was that she could be moved and hidden. Police Chief Gong Fangde held a mobile phone in his left hand and a walkie-talkie in his right, watching the seconds tick away. But still, there was no news concerning Mayor Chen Luping. He had already become incredibly frazzled.

If the mayor of a city could be kidnapped, it was undeniable that Police Chief Gong bore a heavy responsibility. If he couldn't successfully rescue Mayor Chen Luping, Gong Fangde would probably have no choice but to resign and accept the blame.