Chapter 249: How Did Sister Tongtong Come Here?

"Get out! Your whole family, get out of our house… Our family doesn't welcome you…"

At the end of the argument and cursing, Lin's Mother pointed authoritatively towards the door, shouting at them.

"You think we want to come to this dump? Next time, even if you invite us again, we won't come. Xiaodong, Old Chen, let's go…"

Zhang Lizhen said loudly with a pout, then walked out of the Lin family's house with her son and husband.

"It's just a few smelly bucks, what's so great about that…"

But it wasn't over yet; even as Zhang Lizhen's family was heading outside the house, Lin's Mother continued cursing them out. She had been holding back all day, and if it weren't for her son, she would have started cursing from the very beginning.

Auntie Zhang Da, known for her silver tongue, didn't get her reputation for nothing. On the entire Tong'an Road, Lin's Mother had never lost an argument with anyone.