Chapter 251: Backing Down

"Sister Tongtong, what nonsense are you talking about? You... When did you become my girlfriend?"

The moment he heard that, Lin Feng panicked and glared at Li Yutong before quickly explaining to his parents, "Dad, Mom, Sister Tongtong is just joking with you! We're just friends... just ordinary friends..."

"It's over! It's all over... Sister Tongtong has doomed me this time. At school, my parents strictly forbid me from dating. Now they've mistaken me for having a girlfriend, and it's Sister Tongtong who is so much older than I am... Mom is probably going to blow up at me again... I'm in so deep, not even jumping into the Yellow River would cleanse me!"

After he started high school, Lin Feng had been repeatedly warned by his mother not to engage in puppy love. But now, Li Yutong had even chased him home, claiming to be a "girlfriend". Lin Feng felt he was definitely doomed this time.