Chapter 006: Pulling Up Pants and Ignoring People?

The situation was such that the girls nearby couldn't stand by and watch anymore; so many people were bullying an honest delivery man!

They rose and hurried over towards Yi Xiaofei's direction.

"Hey... have you got no shame! So many of you ganging up on one person!"

"If this keeps up, we're going to tell the teacher!"

"Zhang Jian! You're still hitting people, and Wanyin is here? This way, Wanyin won't even give you a chance to pursue her! You believe me?"

At this moment, Little Fatty threatened Zhang Jian and the others using Lu Wanyin, and all the boys present, who all fancied Lu Wanyin to some degree, stood by watching—after all, Wanyin had that straightforward, lively personality, which made her easily approachable.

"Damn it! He's the one who started it! It's... it's this stinky brat!"

They say women with big breasts are brainless, but now it seems that small-chested girls here are no smarter. Can't they see that it's they who were being bullied, completely beaten up by this delivery guy? It was they who needed help, and they were the ones who should be calling for rescue.

"Enough already!!!"

Lu Wanyin couldn't stand it when she saw the scene unfolding before her and let out a sharp cry. At her cry, Yi Xiaofei stopped moving, and taking the opportunity, he distanced himself from Zhang Jian and the others, showing a face full of grievance. His gaze turned to the one who had cried out, Lu Wanyin. With one look at her, Yi couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

Undoubtedly, she was the kind of girl who dazzled from the first glance, very beautiful. But at this moment, when she looked at Yi Xiaofei, her lips twitched slightly, and her eyes shone with cleverness, so full of cunning. It seemed that the other girls present couldn't see it, but Lu Wanyin could.

"Delivery guy! Are you okay? Don't worry, Miss has seen everything and will stand up for you! Come, are you hurt? Let me take you to the medical room!"

Saying so, she proactively moved towards Yi Xiaofei.

"Wanyin! Stay away from that kid, he's dangerous!"

Zhang Jian reminded her at that moment, many people had been tricked by this kid, which proved he was not simple!

However, to the other girls, this warning fell on deaf ears, as they saw the blood at the corner of Yi Xiaofei's mouth, probably from internal injuries. What they did not know was that Yi had forced it out himself.

"Wanyin! You take everyone and go, we'll hold them off! You bunch of big men, bullying one person, what kind of skill is that? If you have the skills to bully an honest man, come and bully us!"

"Come on! Let's hurt each other!"

At this time, the girls were full of a sense of justice, stopping Zhang Jian and the others.

"Let's go!"

And then, Lu Wanyin smiled at Yi Xiaofei, who didn't hesitate. After all, his delivery was complete, and leaving was just that—leaving. Besides, after hitting someone, he felt incredibly refreshed.

He mockingly leaned on Lu Wanyin for support, left the soccer field, and soon disappeared from the sight of Zhang Jian and the others.

It was only after they were out of sight that Lu Wanyin let go of Yi Xiaofei's arm.

"Hey... stop pretending! You might fool others, but you can't fool me! Though, not bad with the moves, huh?"

Lu Wanyin sized up Yi Xiaofei from head to toe, her smile playful, that mischievous charm of a girl's which Yi was seeing for the first time. He was taken aback but quickly regained his composure, smirking, "What about it? Good moves are good moves! Otherwise, I'd have been in trouble just now!"

Yi Xiaofei said, heading towards where his electric bicycle was parked.

"I helped you, aren't you going to thank me?"

Seeing Yi Xiaofei's unappreciative demeanor, Lu Wanyin felt a bit annoyed.

"I certainly didn't ask for your help, you offered it yourself!"

Yi Xiaofei said indifferently, not even turning his head, and this attitude only made Lu Wanyin even more infuriated. She quickly walked forward, ran in front of Yi Xiaofei, stretched out her hand, and stopped him.

"What's the matter? Forget who I am as soon as your pants are up, huh?"

"Damn it! When did I take off my pants? Did you see me take off my pants?"

Yi Xiaofei couldn't help but blurt out an expletive.

"Hey... have some culture. What I mean is, you don't know how to repay a favor, not whether or not you took off your pants."

Lu Wanyin gave Yi Xiaofei a disdainful glance. What kind of cultural level is this? He can't even understand that? She wondered if this guy was doing it on purpose.

"Spit it out! What is it? I still have to take orders at the restaurant."

"Take orders? From now on, I'll cover your delivery orders, how about that?"

That statement took Yi Xiaofei by surprise, "That generous? But isn't this like sponsoring? I know you rich city women like this sort of thing! But let me make it clear upfront, it's just for the delivery orders, I'm not selling my body!"

"You... do you have no shame?"

Lu Wanyin was amused by Yi Xiaofei's remark. The idea of sponsoring him was absurd—it was only because she saw he was quite capable could she consider it. Going out by herself and wanting to really let loose while still being safe, meant she needed a bodyguard. Otherwise, she wouldn't bother with Yi Xiaofei at all.

However, looking at Yi Xiaofei, she found him quite pleasing to the eye, and importantly, he seemed quite clever—the kind of person who matched what she was looking for and who she could get along with. This was unlike her father's bodyguards, who were all so stiff. If she wanted to go wild, she wouldn't want to bring those types because they wouldn't join in the fun. But this guy was different.

"Of course I have no shame. If I had any, I wouldn't be called Yi Xiaofei! What's your name?"

After all, she was a stunning beauty, easy on the eyes, and she was offering to cover all his deliveries—it was obvious she was wealthy. If he mentioned to the lady boss that he'd managed to snag a big customer, he'd likely be rewarded.

"Yi Xiaofei! That's an easy name to remember. My name is Lu Wanyin! Give me your cellphone number, and I'll contact you later!"

Lu Wanyin glanced at Yi Xiaofei's electric scooter, where there was a delivery box at the back with the words Fate Restaurant on it. This was a restaurant near the school where Yi Xiaofei worked.

"I'm usually very busy!"

"Quit the blabber, not only will I cover your deliveries, I'll give you extra cash, is that enough?"

"Heh heh! Boss Lu is so generous!"

Yi Xiaofei smiled happily and promptly reported his phone number to her, and Lu Wanyin saved it into her phone.


She looked at Yi Xiaofei with a touch of scorn. Once money was mentioned, Yi Xiaofei seemed different in her eyes.

"Hey... what do you mean, money-grubber? I'm not asking for much, just solving my own bread-and-butter issues. Any extra money goes to donations, to help those in need!"

Yi Xiaofei spoke calmly, his eyes inadvertently drifting towards Lu Wanyin's chest as he did.

"As if I'd believe that! And keep your eyes to yourself, what's there to look at?"

"I'm not just looking, I'm appreciating. Beautiful things always attract attention!"

This prompted Lu Wanyin to reach out and grab Yi Xiaofei's ear, "Defending being a perv? So much for being uncultured! Looks like you're quite cultured now!"