Chapter 009: Robbery, Damn It, Take It Seriously

The next day, in a bank in Zhonghai City, the closest one to Fate Restaurant, Yi Xiaofei had to get a bank card since he was working at the restaurant now, which would make it convenient for the proprietress to deposit his salary.

After taking a number in the bank, Yi Xiaofei sat in the resting area, watching the people coming and going.

The bank was always busy with transactions, but he wondered how much cash flowed in and out that day. Being new to Zhonghai City, he was certainly short of money. If it wasn't for the old man's rule against using medical skills to earn money, Yi Xiaofei thought he could easily get by with his masterful acupuncture techniques.

"Damn it! Just thinking about it makes me furious, that crappy old man staying at home all day watching movies, and he has so many demands! Sooner or later, I'll make you pay dearly!"

Thinking of the old man and his sleazy smile, Yi Xiaofei cursed inwardly. The old man had countless disks hidden at home, watched them specifically at night — and loud enough for all to hear since the house wasn't soundproof. Didn't he know that Yi Xiaofei was full of youthful vigor? This caused him to suffer from poor sleep for quite some time.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

As Yi Xiaofei was lost in thought, a pleasant voice interrupted him, soothing to the ears; and that scent — a faint and utterly relaxing fragrance. He looked up to see a rather pretty face with delicate eyebrows above crystal-clear eyes. The girl, dressed in simple clothes, exuded the aura of the girl next door, so pure and sweet that it inspired an instinctive desire to protect her.

"No, it isn't!"

Yi Xiaofei said with a slight smile.

"Then, I'll sit here!"

The girl smiled back, her sweetness reaching deep into Yi Xiaofei's heart. Such a pure and beautiful girl was a rare sight.

"Hello! My name is Yi Xiaofei. What's yours?"

He rarely took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but he wanted to get to know this girl better.

"Bai... Yuqing!"

Her proactive approach made the girl a bit guarded as she said her name and then turned her head away.

"Bai Yuqing! That's a lovely name. What brings you to the bank?"

Yi Xiaofei asked again, causing Bai Yuqing to become nervous since she naturally had reservations about strangers.

"To deposit money."

With that, she clutched her purse tightly. For Bai Yuqing, money was incredibly important.

He wanted to ask more, but just then there was a commotion at the main entrance, and people rushed in, making Yi Xiaofei's eyes widen in shock.

"What the heck! What's with the stockings over the head? Do city folks actually like doing this?"

But immediately after, the sound of gunfire rang out, "Everyone, hands on your heads and squat down!"

The sound of the guns threw the whole place into chaos, and Bai Yuqing, sitting next to Yi Xiaofei, turned pale and immediately squatted down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The surveillance cameras in the bank were shattered by bullets, and five or six armed men with sacks headed toward the teller counters.

"Fuck! What the hell are you crying for?"

One of the burly men walked over and kicked a woman who was crying out of fear.

Meanwhile, over by Yi Xiaofei, a skinny man approached, but just then, Bai Yuqing's breathing began to quicken, causing Yi Xiaofei to frown. The next moment, Bai Yuqing, who was squatting down, collapsed onto the ground.

"What's wrong with you?"

Fearing that Bai Yuqing might have a physical issue, Yi Xiaofei wanted to check her condition.

"Your mother! Kid, what the fuck are you doing? Hands on your head, you know?"

"Big brother! My girlfriend, she seems to be having some problems. Let me check, just to see if there's any danger to her life!"

Yi Xiaofei chuckled.

"You motherfucker, still laughing! I don't care who you are. This is a robbery, do you think this is a game? Fucking take this seriously!"

In the skinny man's eyes, Yi Xiaofei's actions were disrespectful. Who the fuck is your big brother? What they were doing was serious business, no room for jokes or smiles.

"Big brother! It would be bad if she dies! Can I just see how my girlfriend is doing?"

As Yi Xiaofei spoke, his gaze fixed on the smoke grenade attached to the skinny man's waist. These robbers sure had a lot of gear, even smoke grenades! Nevertheless, that grenade provided Yi Xiaofei with an opportunity.

His eyes squinted slightly as he identified the positions of the other gunmen, a slight smile formed on his lips as he touched the Dragon Pattern Ring on his left hand.

With a swift move of his right foot, taking advantage of the element of surprise, he floored the skinny man with a punch. He then threw the smoke grenade from the man's waist, and in the ensuing chaos, snatched the gun from his hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With his clairvoyant ability, he precisely located each robber in the smoke cloud unleashed by the grenade. After firing the gun, he no longer paid attention to them and carried Bai Yuqing as he exited the bank. Under the cover of the smoke, they were undetectable. The robbers who had entered the bank were truly out of luck. Apart from the one Yi Xiaofei had knocked out, the rest were dead.

After leaving, Yi Xiaofei moved quickly, darting into secluded alleys. After running some distance, he casually discarded the gun he was still carrying into a trash bin.

He checked Bai Yuqing's pulse, relieved to find she had only passed out due to low blood sugar.

"Made me worry for nothing. I took lives for you today, truly a sin! But you are dressed quite conservatively!"

Yi Xiaofei couldn't help but use his clairvoyance, and had to admit that Bai Yuqing had a great figure.

Pinching Bai Yuqing's philtrum, she woke up with a groan. Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was Yi Xiaofei's face, but she immediately noticed that their surroundings had changed.

"Where am I... What are you going to... do with me?"

She struggled in Yi Xiaofei's arms, her head having gone blank earlier, and she had been groggy before losing consciousness. But she clearly remembered that she had been caught up in a robbery.

"What can I do? You've been out for a really long time. I was about to take you to the hospital! Oh yes, the incident at the bank, the police arrived and resolved it. Are you feeling okay? If you still feel unwell, should I take you home?"

Yi Xiaofei could only make it up as he went along. Listening to his words, Bai Yuqing patted her forehead, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Thankfully, the most important thing was that her money was still with her, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.