Chapter 017: Rogue Dragon, Thoughts of His Own

"Rogue Dragon! You're awake, looks like you slept for about a month this time!"

Yi Xiaofei didn't need to speak out loud; he could just communicate with this guy through his thoughts.

This Dragon Pattern Ring had brought him too much, and the most crucial part was this Rogue Dragon that looked like a slippery loach.

"Seems like it! What's up? Not going for the pretty woman, you're really wasting opportunities! I've helped you out once already!"

"You've got some nerve, you think I'm you, using the stuff you think about!"

"I'm useless right now, but if I could, I'd sleep every day, I'd have wild nights every night. You have no idea, back in my day, I was the real deal, wherever I went, I stirred up a storm of carnage, sleeping with one after another, catching one and sleeping with one! At my peak, I slept with a hundred in a day! Ah... look at me now, reduced to this state, wanting to sleep but having no one to sleep with!"