Chapter 022 Bai Yuqing Gets Shy!

Confronted with Yi Xiaofei's gesture, Lu Wanyin ultimately chose to ignore it.

She busied herself heading to the bathroom, at the very least to comb her hair and wash her face a bit. Otherwise, going out looking like that would be too unseemly.

As for Lu Wanyin doing so, Yi Xiaofei didn't try to stop her—after all, the overnight fee was just a joke.

Soon Lu Wanyin left the place where Yi Xiaofei stayed, and today Yi Xiaofei didn't have anything to do—it was his day off. So, instead of sleeping on the sofa, he went to lie down on the bed and fell asleep.

He didn't wake up until around noon, and after waking up, he took a bath, changed clothes, and feeling quite hungry by then, he left the bachelor pad and headed to Fate Restaurant.


Inside Fate Restaurant!

"You little rascal! Where did you hang out last night? The guard at the door said you came back late, and what's more, you brought back a girl!"