Chapter 130: Just a Jiangbei, What Capabilities Do You Have!! (First Update)


PS: I don't know if I can post four chapters today, but if I don't reach that, I'll make up for it with four more tomorrow! However, I should be able to guarantee three, so please keep those recommendations coming—this story is full of vigor.

Yi Xiaofei didn't pay much mind to Lu Wanyin's playful behavior; after all, her somewhat childish personality was just the way she was—something one gets used to over time!

After seeing Lu Wanyin off, Yi Xiaofei returned to his bachelor apartment.

The next day, Yi Xiaofei went about his business as usual. However, around noon, Qin Haiba made a call to him because it was Qin Haiba's birthday, and naturally, he wanted Yi Xiaofei to come over and celebrate together.

Similarly, besides Yi Xiaofei, Qin Haiba had also gotten in touch with Xiang Yunfei and Xiang Yue. He had invited both of them over by leveraging Yi Xiaofei's status.