Chapter 187: Fierce Corpse! (3 updates)

Gu Insects!

Yi Xiaofei frowned and then, holding Zi Yu, ran to a place Xiao Jin had indicated.

Within less than five minutes, they arrived at a courtyard behind the mansion. Yi Xiaofei used his cellphone for light, and at this moment, Zi Yu felt like she was about to collapse. She wondered why Yi Xiaofei was acting so erratic. Was he possessed? Coming to Grandpa Liang's ancestral home in the middle of the night, what kind of trick was he trying to pull?

"Jiu Yin Three Evils Acupoint, it's right underneath here!"

The voice of Rogue Dragon sounded, speaking to Yi Xiaofei.

"Underneath here?"

Under the guidance of the Dragon Pattern Ring, Yi Xiaofei looked down and took a chilling breath. Because there beneath him was a stone coffin, and lying inside was a man with a green face and sharp fangs, undoubtedly a corpse.

Nourished by the Jiu Yin Three Evils Acupoint, within its coffin, the Yin energy was so intense that ice crystals had begun to form.

"These guys, are they ready?"