Chapter 271 Yuqing, Your Legs Look Great!

"Mr. Yi! Your heart is thumping so fast! Are you... really that nervous? Does Liangzi getting this close to you make you tense?"

Antian Liangzi's actions grew even bolder. She stood up and boldly sat on Yi Xiaofei's lap, then reached out with her delicate hand to encircle his neck.

She leaned her entire face close to Yi Xiaofei and blew a breath on him.

"Does it smell good?"

Her lips, shiny and translucent, especially as Liangzi slightly turned her head at that moment, appeared incredibly lively.

This made Yi Xiaofei lift his hand and wrap it around Antian Liangzi's back, slipping under her clothes.

"If you keep this up, I won't be polite anymore!"

Yi Xiaofei spoke softly into Antian Liangzi's ear, blowing a gentle breath as he did so.

"Oh! Just kidding, just kidding! Come by the place where I stay sometime! You know the address, if you need help, just come find me!"