Chapter 20 Sooner or Later We Are Family

Song Weiyi's scalp tingled, she hadn't expected the man on the other end of the phone to be so sensitive. She had been trying so hard to restrain herself, yet he had detected something off in her voice.

How incredibly perceptive this man was!

She hurriedly shook her head. "No, who would bully me? I'm not a fool, I wouldn't just let myself be bullied."

Not foolish? Pei Yibai couldn't help but let out a silent chuckle, thinking of her silly ways, his spirits lifted.

He touched the ring on his ring finger, such a conspicuous item, that Wang Meng had noticed it early in the morning, his face turning green with shock, asking him who on earth had gotten the young master married.

Up until now, Pei Yibai hadn't told him, yet Wang Meng's curiosity was piqued. He was full of anticipation for his legendary sister-in-law and planned to invite Pei Yibai for drinks in the evening. He intended to get Pei Yibai drunk and coax information out of him.